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    1. tomorrow

      Suggestion Changelog for dev-versions

      Hey i, like many other players are interested in a development version change log, where all new features are listed that have been added to the game, as also bug-removals and feature-removals. So that we are all up2date to the game and even people without having purchased the game (which do...
    2. tomorrow

      [Suggestion] Additional Weapon feature

      Sry it is already early in the morning, i'm gonna write about this thing more detailed later this day ;) As long as players are aiming directly at an enemy ship, the laser-shots will bundle to that point, if you loose the target, lasers will fire strait and do much more superficial damage. So...
    3. tomorrow

      [Suggestion] Warp speed

      Please read concentrated through this thread! It's not a simple suggestion, it contains formulas and has solution to previous problems, which other FTL-ideas had. So thank you in advance for reading my thread...