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    1. speeddog73

      "Exception in thread 'ServerThread'" Server Error

      Today I was loading up my private starmade server with my friends and when I tried to boot it up today, it gave me this error. java.lang.NullPointerException at obfuscated.Rv.fromTagStructure(SourceFile:587) at...
    2. speeddog73

      Can I Play Starmade On A Dedicated Server That The Same Computer Is Hosting?

      Any how I can play with my friends on a dedicated server while playing on the same computer that's hosting the server? After what I've seen with the new Starmade, I'm not able to do something like that anymore. If anyone knows how, or something related, please tell me.
    3. speeddog73

      Thruster Glitch

      Can someone please try to fix the glitch when you use a ship, and put the thrusters down some kind of way, and you try to drive the ship, and you move forward, the + locks up and stays there and drifts away from the middle circle or ( O )? It drives me crazy and its a permanent glitch for a...