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    1. Arogorn


      Awesome! I think I'd prefer pve and custom pirates, I'll find a server for that soon. One last question, I was building a ship, and the camera decided to act up, when I move the mouse it rotates around where the cursor is, instead of moving the screen. I'm not sure what caused it, but I'd like...
    2. Arogorn


      Thank you!
    3. Arogorn


      Hi, I'm new to Starmade and have a few questions for anyone who can answer them. 1. What is an efficient way to place shields/is there one? I place down a lot of shield capacitors and rechargers, yet the pirates manage to rip through them with ease. Earlier my ship got destroyed by two heat...
    4. Arogorn

      Corrupted Worlds

      Am I supposed to directly message you? AndyP
    5. Arogorn

      Corrupted Worlds

      Here is what's in log.txt.0 I assume that this is from when I tried to launch it today. [2015-07-03 11:01:09] [VERION] loading version from install dir: .\ [2015-07-03 11:01:10] [VERSION] VERSION: 0.19289 [2015-07-03 11:01:10] [VERSION] BUILD: 20150621_023107 [2015-07-03 11:01:10]...
    6. Arogorn

      Corrupted Worlds

      Hi, my worlds keep getting corrupted, I've restarted around five times and I need to know what I'm doing wrong. (If I am doing something wrong) I play on the world and build a ship, go to a planet, and explore, and then the next day I try to get on, and there's the endless connecting thing...