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    1. Cryptex

      Windowed Full Screen or Fake Full Screen

      As the title indicates, Starmade should include one of the popular new features for games known as windowed fullscreen mode. This is not just regular windowed mode or regular full screen mode either. It allows for seemless transitions between the game and other monitors/windows. No need for...
    2. Cryptex

      Improve How Blueprints Handle Rails

      When loading a blueprint with rail content, if there is something docked to the rail, most of the time it either does not load properly or will glitchout when it loads. This is extremely tedious and annoying. This problem is even more likely to occur if there are chain docked rails or large...
    3. Cryptex

      Small Fixes with Guis

      -Move 'Server not Responding' and 'Auto-Saving' messages out of the top right corner as they constantly block advanced build mode (especially the orientation of blocks like wedges) -Improve the image of advanced build mode orientation - current image can be difficult to work with and is...
    4. Cryptex


      So of course my network being crappy as always decided to completely go down and crash. In doing so for some reason my starmade server will no longer launch. The java.exe launches in the background but no server window pops up. A brand new world file launches just fine, but when I introduce my...
    5. Cryptex

      Rail/Core Indicators

      Currently with the new rails, its possible to build intricate mechanisms, or simple sliding doors/ elevators. The only problem with this is that each new mechanism also counts as a core that shows up as an indicator on a vessel/station. A way to differentiate actual ships from mechanisms would...
    6. Cryptex

      Quick Question

      Is there a way to hide other core indicators for entities docked to another structure? With the new rails, doors and other cool mechanisms can be made.. but each one requires a separate core, so there are tons of indicators everywhere. Thanks.
    7. Cryptex

      Beam and Cannon Visibility Through Glass/Crystal

      Whether considered a bug or just unintended from some setting - currently any kind of weapons fire or support beam fire cannot be seen through crystal armor wedges and blocks. Not sure if this still occurs for regular glass blocks. Makes armored command bridges or cockpits impossible because the...
    8. Cryptex

      Improved Controls and Throttle/Speed Control

      * Don't feel like reading the paragraphs for the details? The most important stuff is underlined! * Lemme know what you think or if anything has already been said or done! Thanks! Certain aspects of this game's controls and configs when directed at joysticks makes it extremely annoying or...