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      What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

      Imagine Giant Moving Leviathans Making Whale Noises As A Herd Moves Through Space, They Are Probably Neon Color Schemed As Well, You Hear Them From A Far And Wonder How And Why But It Does Not Matter Space Whales Persevere
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      Starmade Q&A

      Sorry for the second entry, but so far , the game can be called the middle ground between ftp space shooters, minecraft and eve. The eve part trading crafting, it seems to be neglected. Missiles don't cost any resources while fine but so far the resources we gather just kinda stack up. I guess I...
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      Starmade Q&A

      Ever Since the last q and a, I have thought and thought, Whats stopping this game from becoming a space whale simulator.
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      Incredibles was the only one that never got the sequel. They also had a video game which worked with the sequel...
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      Thank you

      Who ever made that whale mob which I saw on reddit, my thanks, my dream of seeing a whale on a server are now complete
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      Raiben has posted the Q&A

      I have a whale of time
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      Space dwelling creatures

      There is a legend that once upon a blue moon a whale is spawned, larger and smarter then the rest. This whale many say has a dark heart striking many whaling ships in his wake. Murdering crew left and right. This monstor of a whale is moby dick. Men call him the white devil he is mostly white in...
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      Protected around spawn is a solid idea +1 The close to spawn bit I don\'t know about I would prefer to have homeworlds as determined locations on the navigation part of the screen and they would be very rare and would provide a massive amount of recources when a mine block is placed on them to...
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      Homeworlds So far in starmade all the planets are small and lack any real value. I suggest that large worlds be introduced with the purpose of creating conflict among factions fighting over said world. This suggestion would also go hand in hand with a block which could generate...