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    1. DreeadPiratePinky

      WARNING: arctic gaming admins corrupt

      I didn't know that. I've never been in a large faction.
    2. DreeadPiratePinky

      Blueprint permisions?

      Latest hotfix has fixed this issue (in case anyone was tracking it here).
    3. DreeadPiratePinky

      WARNING: arctic gaming admins corrupt

      It's fairly hard to go negative faction unless the server admins have altered default settings. Active players gain 50 faction points an hour while online and 20 while off line. You lose 8 faction points from death and have "new death protection" for 30 min. Meaning at most you can lose 16...
    4. DreeadPiratePinky

      Blueprint permisions?

      I'm seeing issues with any of my changes "taking". I'll set a ship to be Enemy Useable (or not) and then click on the permission tab again and it has reverted. With a lot of trial and error I've found that it does in most cases take if I do not look at the permission tab again until i've...
    5. DreeadPiratePinky

      Is there a command to spawn a specific asteroid type?

      I tried this. it did work to bring back the NPC trader guy, but no roids.
    6. DreeadPiratePinky

      Is there a command to spawn a specific asteroid type?

      Best soultion I can come up with is to export a sector with 1 Larmar asteroid in it (looking for one now) and export it to save for later import in to a blank sector in claimed faction territory as reward. scrub that. :( import of the exported sector didn't bring the asteroid.
    7. DreeadPiratePinky

      Is there a command to spawn a specific asteroid type?

      thanks, but im looking to have the asteroid respawn like they do and have the raws in it for mining. thanks.
    8. DreeadPiratePinky

      Is there a command to spawn a specific asteroid type?

      I would like to spawn in a larmiar asteroid as a reward system for pirate/creation by players for the server. I can't figure out if there is a way to do this and how. Thanks in advance if you have the skillz.
    9. DreeadPiratePinky

      Friendly Players Steam Group ( Now with StarMade server)

      Once Again...if you value your time, avoid this server. Many crashes, Many "On the fly" setting changes that are not tested in by a group (other than the community). Slow fly speed, small build speed...and if you complain you get banned with no reasons. This server is run by a the kind of...
    10. DreeadPiratePinky

      Friendly Players Steam Group ( Now with StarMade server)

      I played on this server for a few weeks. Constant rule changes, The admin is extremely helpful to his buddies and just recently found that my faction was deleted and my account banned. I have not broken any rules on this server. I wouldn't recommend starting on this server. The Server owner...