Search results

    1. TheBarnetts

      Dock not too small, but can't dock?

      Hello, I've been trying everything to get this hanger setup to work so I can dock. Made the dock size larger than needed and removed and replaced docking modules several times in different locations. Still pops up the message that it's 'too small'. Has anyone else encountered this? I suspect...
    2. TheBarnetts

      New texture IDs

      Hello, Been trying to get a hold on the new texture element ids and cant find them anywhere. Shops don't have any in stock and just using there name in the admin commands isn't working... Any help would be appreciated!
    3. TheBarnetts

      Mothership build

      Hello all, First post. Here is a couple pics of my mothership under construction. So far two days of building after work. Core room and skeletal frame in pics. It's not a remake of the Homeworld mothership, rather my build inspired by it. Also, can you make a ship into a station/base? I've...