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    1. WobMinerJames

      Ship Core Sizes / Class of ship

      \"Also forcing people to build in a box limits the shape possibilities of your ship.\" In my post I stated this to be bad. \"Ships that are extreme in one direction will become impossible.\" Also stated. ~ However ~ \"Definitely not limiting building based on what core you select\"...
    2. WobMinerJames

      Ship Core Sizes / Class of ship

      I think of the game exactly as you do, but to go into the extreme you presented \"6 million block ship of regen\" sort of stresses my point, there is no challenge in ship building competition other than size and numbers. Piloting skill comes in of course with out-manevuring opponents, buts thats...
    3. WobMinerJames

      Ship Core Sizes / Class of ship

      Now I am not sure about your experiences so far in the game, but what I have seen in excess recently is "big ships win". I know you can argue that point, but essentially it happens 9/10 that the largest ships are victorious, and those that build in a clever manner still end up losing against an...
    4. WobMinerJames

      Feedback: Cloak and RadarJammer

      The idea of powerdrains never occured to me (complete newb)! I guess we were outplayed, we did try to cover one another but it was usually only two of us undocked, he was powerful enough to drain our sheilds in a short time and often didnt give us the time to cover eachother well enough, we did...
    5. WobMinerJames

      Feedback: Cloak and RadarJammer

      So I wanted to give some feedback and suggestions to the current PvP situations involving cloaked ships using radar jammers + turrets. The system automatically uncloaks ships that fire with their weapons from what I have seen so far. Yet cloaked ships with turrets can shoot at will without any...