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    1. lordserapis

      GREAT NEWS!!!!. (Letters implying hugs enter here _ _ _ _ )

      Why has the discussion strayed from some good news to comparisons between the human cranium and a large fruit in relation to rubber bands Or is that somehow related to the good news?
    2. lordserapis

      Batch file?

      I generally give myself a few hundred million credits, find a store, and buy whatever I need, using /shop_restock as necessary.
    3. lordserapis

      Those awkward starmade moments

      Ah, I see. Always wondered what caused it. Thanks.
    4. lordserapis

      Why do we still use 3 bytes per block?

      Well, you have to stop them from multiplying somehow. Division works, but I find that either a flamethrower or gatling shotgun works just as well, and it nullifies any potential mathematical puns.
    5. lordserapis

      Those awkward starmade moments

      That time I fired on my home base's defense turret with an experimental missile and found out that station Invulnerability did not apply to the explosive damage under a few unique circumstances. It was a rather large hole in a rather small station.
    6. lordserapis

      Are the plex lifters going to stay like this?

      I can recall talk that plex lifters were to be phazed out and replaced with gravity tubes. Nothing ever came of it.
    7. lordserapis

      StarMade v0.188 - A completely new GUI

      Very nice. I will be updating this as soon the month turns over. Soon, my Pitt Stations Shall spread across the Galaxy! I agree. In a game where the player is capable of building and customizing almost anything about his or her ship, a generic cart would be a disappointment. By the way...
    8. lordserapis

      Waypoints to improve navigation?

      My impression is that he wants to be able to create a permanent waypoint that would show up at all times, to mark out places of interest. I like the idea of a cost (to prevent one from having more waypoints than can be managed), but 100,000 seems a bit excessive.
    9. lordserapis

      ShapeWright [ship generator]

      I think I broke it...
    10. lordserapis

      Fluid armour - a compromise between hull and shield (+ heat sinks + fluid tanks)

      You\'re right. From the quote, I would have thought that this post would have received more interest. In my opinion, it would fit well with some of the more exotic systems, such as cloaking and the pulsator.
    11. lordserapis

      Fluid armour - a compromise between hull and shield (+ heat sinks + fluid tanks)

      I think that this is brilliant. However, it seems to me to be a bit complex compared to the current system, so I do not expect this in the near future, and there is a good chance this would not be added at all. Still, I would like to see this in the game, or at least in a mod, and I would add...
    12. lordserapis

      AI (Dave)

      I made the same mistake. Oddly, it also seems to have changed how pulse arrays work (the center of the pulse has changed to something that makes more sense than it was before.)
    13. lordserapis

      A Galaxy Burning: A Starmade Fiction (Chapter #12)

      I am enjoying the storyline thus far. It is better than anything I could come up with.
    14. lordserapis

      Share your Major F*%# Ups in StarMade

      Was Re-designing the reactor on my large mining ship, and ended up replacing the salvage cannon/AMC array with Power Tanks
    15. lordserapis

      Ship glitched - Didnt spawn

      Something like this happened to me. The turrets spawned in fine, but a large chunk of the vessel, which included the core room, was missing. my guess is that the ship file is corrupted somehow. I hope that this is helpful. ~Lord Serapis~
    16. lordserapis

      Share your Major F*%# Ups in StarMade

      A while back, it was standard practice for me to use the missile turret on top of my home base for target practice. this was safe, as any shots would simply kick up a flag stating that the home base was indestructible. then i decided to test my missiles... The 16-block high tower the turret was...