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    1. StarkidT3

      StarCalc Help Request

      I've checked YouTube, Google, the forums (searched). Even asked in chat. Can't find any help for how StarCalc, or any other in-game modding tool works. I've been wanting to make my own changes to weapon stats for solo but since I don't know how the tools that come with the game work I'm...
    2. StarkidT3

      Legacy Account not auto upgrade?

      So I've been a starmade player since 2013 and I remember back when they said they would be making the game P2P but that all legacy/Vet players get a free upgrade. I already checked the forums and even off site but no where can I find help with my problem. Again I've played since 2013 so this...
    3. StarkidT3

      Starmade Starter shows blank window

      oh ok i thought it was a glich thank you
    4. StarkidT3

      Starmade Starter shows blank window

      i am haveing this problem with windows i just get a blank news feed window and i dont get updates anymore
    5. StarkidT3

      how big can I build?

      it takes me in my 50 kmph ship 5 seconds to get acros a sector so i think that sectors are similer to chuncks (if you played minecraft like i have chunks are lagers area of blocks.) so a sector is like 1000 cubes in diameter or cuz cubes are 1 m thay are 1000 km in diameter so you are...