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    1. C

      Sparrow Class Corvette [ORBA Fleetworks] Block 7E

      -------------------------------------------- -== /// ORBA FLEETWORKS /// ==- -------------------------------------------- The ORBA Fleetworks Sparrow Class Corvette is a small but highly potent multirole military corvette, designed to fit multiple missions including security patrol...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Results Thank you to everyone who participated! I think this went pretty well for my first hosted ship competition, but if you have feedback for how I have conducted it, please feel free to provide it! I will likely be announcing the next competition soon, so keep an eye out for that! We had...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Review 6: EH Shuttle Fighter by Asgardia (Submitted through Discord, can be found here: EH Shuttle Fighter) First Impressions: I really appreciated the description and pictures of the ship on the dock posting. It helped me get an idea of what to expect of the ship upon downloading and testing...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Review 5: SBS Harpy by SchnellBier First Impressions: The dock posting was pretty minimal with pretty much just one picture, which really did not do this ship justice. That being said, that doesn't matter a whole lot for the sake of this competition. Exterior Visuals: Visually, this ship has...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Review 4: Zweihander Mk2 by Dr. Whammy First Impressions: The Dock post with the fighter and the preceding detail post provided an excellent first impression view of the ship, with lots of good images (and even a gif or two) of the ship in action! The lore and details of the ship provided in...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Review 3: CRS-Norrland Fighter by colonel lacu First Impressions: I think the pictures the Dock post had were pretty good, but it could have used more. I also think it could have used a little bit more variety of pictures; maybe a (direct) front or rear shot, but not bad! Any sort of little...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Review 2: CRS-Hanko by colonel lacu First Impressions: You had some good pictures of the ship on the dock post! I think it could have used a little bit more variety of pictures; maybe a (direct) front or rear shot, but not bad! Any sort of little extra lore blurbs or information on the dock...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Review 1: Interceptor - Peafowl v1.0 by ua2hk First Impressions: I appreciate that the pictures that you supplied showed the ship in context with the rest of your builds, so that I can see what the overall style and matching is, however I feel there could have been more pictures of just the...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Thank you all for your submissions! The submission deadline has now formally been reached. That being said, I will still accept submissions until I formally announce winners, however there is no guarantee I will process those submissions (though I probably will). Leading up to that I will be...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      Very nicely done! I'm seeing a lot of excellent designs in the works! I've extended the submission time by precisely 24 hours for those of you who got a late start or haven't had time to work on it. As a reminder, to properly judge submissions I will need the blueprints. If you aren't...
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      You know that's fair, do you think one more day is enough or would it need to be more? The idea wasn't to make this a mega competition (at least not this time) but I can see two days being a little too short to give people the chance to participate.
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      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023

      ComCardinal's Community Fighter Contest - December 2023 UPDATE 2: SUBMISSION DEADLINE REACHED - Submissions will still be taken until results are announced, but there is no guarantee they will be evaluated! UPDATE: SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED What is it: A contest to design the best fighter*...
    13. C

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      InGameName - ComCardinal Why you want to join the server - Two reasons: For one, it'd be good to occasionally interact with other builders and get feedback. For another, someone I talked to about getting a blueprint told me I could get it on cake (link) Example of your work - the Sparrow Class...