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    1. Cody Furlong

      Current Ship Project/ Need Help

      I need help with my current ship project, I'm trying to make a semi circle shape for the rear of the ship, but I just can't sem to quite get the curve of it right. Check out the shot below for what I've been able to get so far, and any suggestion on how to make the curve work would be apreceated.
    2. Cody Furlong

      DSV Prowler

      My first ever finished ship design, and the biggest so far, the Deep Space Vessle Prowler, or DSV Prowler for short.The ship has a full interior with bridge, offices, storage rooms, a lunch room, crew quarters, a med bay, reactor room, engine room, and a hanagr. The hanagr comes with docking...
    3. Cody Furlong

      AMC Help

      I'm having problems with my AMC cannons on this ship I'm working on. I have two large banks of cannones, on the left and right sides of my ship, however only one side of them is firing. The side that isn't firing doiesn't even show up in the weapons list when I hit the T key. Yet when I select...
    4. Cody Furlong

      Designing Ships In MS Paint?

      Anyone else think about using MS Paint or another paint program to design their ships in? What I'm talking about is making a block shape in it that would be one block in game, then putting them together to get a good idea of how your ship ideas would look.
    5. Cody Furlong

      Graphic Bug?

      So I was working on my ship the other day and noticed something odd happening. I was in build mode at the spawn point shop and everytime my cross hairs pointed at one of the blocks on my ship, these streaks of like would appaer off in the distence. No clue what it is, i took a screen shot of it...
    6. Cody Furlong

      Rotation Block

      The rotation block would be a block that would rotate around, you should be able to click it to get a menu simular to the AI, where you could set the direction and speed of the rotation. Any blocks that where attached to the rotation block would like wise rotate acround. You would probably have...