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    1. DreadShimmra

      Hello Again 2023!

      It has been a while. Long and short, I've had the itch to play StarMade again, after many years. Old hosts are long gone, most of the community is playing singleplayer it seems if they still play at all. So, figured I would do something about it. If you do not remember me, that is perfectly...
    2. DreadShimmra

      Hello again 2023!

      It has been a while. Long and short, you may not remember me but I (and a large group of others!) ran the Illusive UK Server. I am making this post here as my own hardware has some spare room, and I had the itch to play Starmade again. I fully intend to play for a bit (week or two, maybe more.)...
    3. DreadShimmra

      Sensor Beacon Tracking System

      The general idea is this: 1. You have a faction home base (or faction owned station) that has a controlling computer, ala a warp gate computer 2. You have a flavor of the marker beam that allows you to connect that controlling block to a counterpart module, that you could either place on a...
    4. DreadShimmra

      Community Added and Edited "Change Log"

      Community Contributed and Moderated Change Log I DreadShimmra fully intend to donated my time and effort to hopefully getting the community "on the same page" as it were. Please read the list below for any questions, and feel free to post/message me about any possible...
    5. DreadShimmra

      CPU Usage Issue

      Ok, long and the short of this whole issue is that with large ships, large stations, or areas with a lot of entities in close proximity, the CPU usage on most computers (client side mind you, not on a server or a computer running both a server and a client) goes to the maximum allowable for the...
    6. DreadShimmra

      Illusive Server News Page

      I intend to use this page for some Illusive related announcements. On that note, I am hereby announcing that the Illusive Pirate and "Building" Build contest. This contest will be open Indefinitely, due to small submission numbers Rewards are offered for the best/most creative/most effective...
    7. DreadShimmra

      Dirae Crucem Industries

      I am Dread Shimmra, Founder and current head of Dirae Crucem Industries, DCI for short. Honoris, lucrum, Fratrum We are a muti-national, multi server community, and are currently recruiting. Our main areas of operation are HSZ, Illusive, and our newly opened branch on NASS. Our faction aims...
    8. DreadShimmra

      Compositecraft Gaming Small Server TS3 Avaliable, Blueprints allowed, no block limit.

      Server I.P: Teamspeak 3 I.P: Password: Available upon pm'd request, or if requested in game Website: Send a PM or post here, ideally with age(optional) other games played(optional) and whether or not you would like access to our...