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    1. X

      Weapon/AI Bugs

      While fighting some Bugs were found in the release: -AI cant be turned off by pressing the "disable all AI". (think this one was there before) -Turrets sometimes dont do Damage - Damage is shown as a Number but the Blocks aren´t taken away from the other ship. This happens both with AI and...
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      Homebase not protected

      Yesterday i ran into a strange bug: I went to an allied station, and it loaded everything as normal-except a 10*10*10 cube of blocks where the faction module was. As a result, I was able to open doors, activate gravity and access chest, all without permission modules. I couldn't break blocks...
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      Hi Guys, I recently had an idea for a new block that should be added to the game: The action block. (If someone has a better name for it please write it :D) This block would basically be a computer where you connect different things to, and once you activate this computer, it will act like...