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    1. Devanow

      Planetary Structure

      It would be great, if it will be able in server.cfg, to set the structure of a planet. Also i do not mean the size... planetary_structure: square //Its able to choose: flat, round, dice, square (3-32 So far i can find out, it will be possible to create much bigger planets with a better...
    2. Devanow

      InGame MusicPlayer

      It is possible, to add a MusicPlayer as a Computer and a Speaker as a Array into the game? My thinking about is, that (for example) you can use them at spawns or in spaceships and play music ingame so everybody in "range=x" of a speaker connected to the MusicPlayer can hear the sounds/music...
    3. Devanow

      AMC doesn't work correctly

      I don't know, what to do, i have the Link to the 4 Screens. At the first one, you see the Ship and the left side with 2 rows of AMC's. At the second to fourth one you can see a imaginary AMC with blast where all Shots are comming from. The Direction of all Weapons, Computer and of course the...