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    1. -PR-Sandbag

      you still build spaceships? played any other space builders?

      you still build spaceships? played any other space builders?
    2. -PR-Sandbag

      Running Docked Salvage beams

      Beams are firing now - something must have changed in the last couple updates.
    3. -PR-Sandbag

      Running Docked Salvage beams

      Are you running it for X amount of times and then counting the blocks? If you do the math and ignore the initial tick burst then you want 8 per rod to get your 200 points per normal tick. If you are doing this with logic then the beams wont stay on like they would if you mined manually because...
    4. -PR-Sandbag

      Running Docked Salvage beams

      are you accounting for the initial tick bonus? You get 10 ticks on contact with a block, by default, when the beam hits a block.
    5. -PR-Sandbag

      Missile Fire Direction

      Is there a trick to getting missiles to fire up, or to the sides - or is this no longer possible?
    6. -PR-Sandbag

      Running Docked Salvage beams

      TY Fays !! Harvester is all Om nom nom now. :D
    7. -PR-Sandbag

      Running Docked Salvage beams

      I have been working on a ship with a "drill" (rotating array slapped on the front of my ship). I cannot for the life of me get them to fire. Is this not possible anymore, or have I just missed something obvious, at 3am?
    8. -PR-Sandbag

      A small PD turret

      How does this work now that you can only have one shield active? If the main ship shield is still up but below 50% the turret's shields will be inactive, no? Or does that rule only apply on an entity by entity basis?
    9. -PR-Sandbag

      Bug Shield Bypass with Beams

      Also seeing this problem - Shields don't drop below 98% but an Isanth can carve me like butter.
    10. -PR-Sandbag

      Ahh that was a long time ago - DId it have the Borg ship pirates back then? They were brutal...

      Ahh that was a long time ago - DId it have the Borg ship pirates back then? They were brutal for new players.
    11. -PR-Sandbag

      Either Simplify or Expand Factories

      oo yeah that does sound like a good idea. would give more thumbs if I could.
    12. -PR-Sandbag

      Build Helper Symmetry help?

      ahhh yes. That is a thing. Would be nice if that could be changed.
    13. -PR-Sandbag

      ahaha well guess yep then. I still have a server at the address. It's been up since rails...

      ahaha well guess yep then. I still have a server at the address. It's been up since rails, doing nothing. The AI have taken over a bit XD
    14. -PR-Sandbag

      The Sandcastle? I don't remember naming a server Sandbag. I may have. I was drunk a lot back...

      The Sandcastle? I don't remember naming a server Sandbag. I may have. I was drunk a lot back then.
    15. -PR-Sandbag

      Build Helper Symmetry help?

      It does work for me? Are you setting your symmetry the same place you set your helper, when you place the helper?
    16. -PR-Sandbag

      Fighter Porn

      Inspired by the Colonial Raptor. Still not happy with it, but it's getting there.
    17. -PR-Sandbag

      StarMade v0.201.126 - Weapon Update

      I get that part, but they seem to be ignoring shields and even at distance they just melt things
    18. -PR-Sandbag

      StarMade v0.201.126 - Weapon Update

      I'm sorry if this has already been raised - I tried my hardest to read every page of this thread but the ragers got to me. Just.Cant.Do it. On the topic of all the ragey people saying how bad the devs' choices are, go back and play the original starmade build then come back to the current build...
    19. -PR-Sandbag

      Either Simplify or Expand Factories

      Perhaps chamber complexity could allow for the use of other materials at a greater cost, or even disassembling blocks to the constituent components or ores for later use or in the current recipe? In order to force specialisation, what if the number of factory blocks per station was capped...
    20. -PR-Sandbag

      Either Simplify or Expand Factories

      I think new people usually just want to fly around and build. They do a bit of mining "with their awesome lazors", go from shop to shop, and buy their way into the game. That's been my experience. Factories is a much later part of the game for new players. The shops are the get out of jail...