Search results

    1. P@L@DIN

      SFIS - 2-4-1c -Irkutsk- (WIP)

      I have been thinking about adding a turret or two, but I decided to keep this ship purely defensive. I might slap an AMS turrent on it though. Also, the interior won't be too complicated (a corridor leading from both USD's to the core, 2 rail-based elevators and a cargo bay on the second floor...
    2. P@L@DIN

      SFIS - 2-4-1c -Irkutsk- (WIP)

      Hello Starmade community! I've purchased SM over 2 years ago, but most of the time I was just messing around with mechanics and not building actual ships. This will be my first submission to the shipyard. I am proud to present to you SFIS - 2-4-1c -Irkutsk-! [eer-KOO-tsk] This is a...
    3. P@L@DIN

      no purchase badge on my account.

      I really hope I'm not necroing this thread, but I have linked my Steam account to my registry account a few days ago and I still don't have the badge. Also, while you're at it, I am missing my Legacy Citizen 1 badge even though I have a LC2 badge already. Could you please add that as well if...
    4. P@L@DIN

      Sound (echo?) bug

      I love you, Poema009! Step 6 helped =)