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    1. B

      Communications Networks

      I was thinking about a similar thing, except instead of using the regular antenna blocks a new one could be added that would add a considerable amount of mass, so putting 1 block on a ship wouldn't weigh it down much, but it wouldn't have anything near the communications range of a station which...
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      Communications Networks

      Maybe the key is to have the AI using these networks. Sure, you can get your faction on teamspeak or discord, but the AI fleets will only communicate over these networks. So, if a player wants to send out AI fleets and still be able to keep tabs on them, they'll be forced to build the networks...
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      Communications Networks

      I would really like to see something like Mumble 3d positional audio be incorporated into the game. People will always use whatever VOIP they want outside the game, but having one as part of the game allows strangers to communicate easily via voice. I have so many ideas about how these...
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      turn a .obj into blueprint?

      It was the same for me too. I could only use keyboard controls to move and resize the selection box. If the ship became turned at all I had to close out SMedit and open it again to get the correct orientation back. Just moving the box over to paste in the half of the ship took me a good...
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      turn a .obj into blueprint?

      Using SMedit you can fix the symmetry. Basically you have to select half the ship, copy it, delete the other half, then paste and 'reflect' it.
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      Making Giant Ship/Station Recreations

      You could build a rough version of it in an older version of starmade and use SMedit to scale it to some different sizes so you can check them out in-game and decide what seems best.
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      Read by Schine Changes for planets

      It wouldn't be constantly weird gravity, it would just be rough ground in some areas, the 2 poles and 4 "sides" of the planet would be normal block orientation. I agree, the angled terrain wouldn't be perfect and warping has its issues as well. Is there some way to stack more and more voxels...
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      Read by Schine Changes for planets

      Having plates and multiple gravity fields is also very immersion breaking. Every time I jump from one plate and instantly snap to another, I feel bad about it. If the angles are the only problem, is there any chance the blocks of a planet could be warped to wrap around a spherical core?
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      Read by Schine Changes for planets

      We need some relative gravity in this game, so no matter what orientation, you always get pulled towards the planets core. Then we could have round planets. Things would get angled in some areas due to blocks being blocks, but I think that's better than a transition between multiple gravity fields.
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      Planned Option for where to first spawn

      There's a few blocks you need to do anything. I made a copy of the game a while back and set it up as hardcore as I could. You can craft most early game stuff no problem, but not everything. I ended up having to spawn in some power capacitors because I set no shops to spawn in the universe, so...
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      Read by Schine Movable cores

      Make it so you can place down other cores, but only one can be active per ship, and then allow inactive cores to be removed.
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      Alpha Test Fuel

      I agree, fuel generation could be done like factories, call the block a refinery and only allow them to be placed on stations & planets. Feed the refinery crystals and other stuff, and then it slowly fills up the attached fuel storage blocks (similar to cargo space). Docked ships can draw out...
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      Best ways to travel short distance?

      I don't know about the pirates, do they even attack empty ships? A friend left a small ship next to a shop on our server for months now, but we don't see many pirates in our system. You could always just spam a bunch of shields on it and hope the trade guild responds to any attacks, park the...
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      Best ways to travel short distance?

      Park a ship with a transporter next to the shop.
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      Read by Schine Pirates own systems by default

      I'm all for adding bigger more dangerous pirate stations for the main bases, but I figured I'd leave that out of the suggestion so if the developers like the idea they could implement it without a bunch of work making new stations. Also, with new NPC factions coming, pirates won't be the only...
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      Read by Schine Pirates own systems by default

      -Designate 1 pirate station per system a "main base" for the pirate faction -Give them ownership of all systems -Force players to neutralize the pirate main base in order to take ownership of the system
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      Rails should trigger area controllers and detect gates

      Correct, I have an elevator that moves docked ships to the surface of the station... This is the logic to open the doors currently... But, with different size ships the door opens far too early for my taste... I would like to be able to setup a detection gate just before the door which...
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      Rails should trigger area controllers and detect gates

      I made an elevator system on my station that stores ships, right now the doors open based on when the elevator hits a certain point on the rail, but I want to be able to make it so the ship being carried on the elevator triggers the door just before it hits the door. I tried using area triggers...
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      Is slow travel a contributing factor to the decline of PvP?

      I think a large part of the problem is giving players far too much information on every level of the game. Let's say for example a faction built themselves up far away from other factions, a logical strategy would be for an attacking faction to build either an outpost near to them, or build a...