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    1. Syntax Error

      Suggestion More options for BBcode?

      I LOVE BBCODE It's just sad that i don't see as many BBcode options for my text as on other forums. Specifically Marquee or Scrolling text/images. I really want to spice up my signature with tiny scrolling spaceships, But there is no way to do that... So maybe there can be a bigger set of...
    2. Syntax Error

      Another return from me!

      Another return from me!
    3. Syntax Error

      Galor Class Type 2

      I like the glowy bits. You can probably add sloped blocks to made the ship more smooth. But anyways, it's a great design.
    4. Syntax Error

      backitty back

      backitty back
    5. Syntax Error

      Age of Tyredon RP server!!!

      This server is all about RP! be anyone you want! a human to a creepy goo alien! This server is hamachi only so i will allow 13 people to join!!! Network name: AgeOfTyredon (case sensitive) (if this one is full, type AgeOfTyredon1) password: 1122 IP: NOW rules...
    6. Syntax Error

      StarMades first Role-Play Server

    7. Syntax Error

      Game loads files then closes

      I have this nasty bug (or crash) where my game works perfectly until after it loads everything then it closes down. My graphics driver IS UP TO DATE. and I did try to install in another location!!!! nothing is working!!!
    8. Syntax Error

      General Game Issues [Not Bugs]

      I\'m having a crash problem. My graphics driver is up to date. My problem is that when I try to open the game, I log in and everything. my game does what it\'s supposed to and loads all the files, then it just closes, no warnings. Please help i will appreciate it because star made is the...
    9. Syntax Error

      Help with this game crash

      Having the same problem. everything finishes loading and then a crash!!! my graphics driver is up to date too!