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    1. P

      exe icon

      i have seen the exe without the icon long enough, so i took matters into my own hands, and made two icon files for the launcher, i hate seeing the "no icon" icon from windows, so i took the logo, made it into an icon, and made a black version, in case somepeople would prefer that, and it now...
    2. P

      Re-Install button/function

      i recently tried to make my own block, in doing so i made the game unplayable from my, until i found a backup, but now it says something is wrong and a lot of pirates dont attack me anymore(not even when i shoot) so i would like to request a re-install/re-update button, in case of something...
    3. P

      More power in block editor

      i would like more power in the block editor, i can create a decorative block, but not more than that, of course i can also make a block that has massive armour for cheap credits, but i would like something more, like the power to edit a weapons computer to fire off another weapons computer(my...