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    1. FictionDragon

      Cheap Ship Competition [open]

      Do it really looks so ugly? It's sure not some flying art but it's long and chopped of any pointless stuff... It's a chopper, hell yeah! :D
    2. FictionDragon

      Cheap Ship Competition [open]

      Hull is just so freaking expensive, man. My policy is: Less (hull) is more (performance). BTW: people come on! We need moar cheap, ugly, weird and armorless gladiator drones! (Or any ships to compete with, really.)
    3. FictionDragon

      FD-CF-1 Dragontooth 1.0

      A simple drone that cost 25.000 credists made for SapioiTs Cheap Ship Competition. Armed with triple lazer guided missiles. You can fire only 1 per time and then you'll have to wait for power to reload before firing another. Fast, no armor, focused on firepower and power regeneration.
    4. FictionDragon

      Cheap Ship Competition [open]

      Here it is: Name: FD-CF-1 Dragontooth Price: 25.000 Link: It's small and fast but pack a quite a punch :)
    5. FictionDragon

      Christmas hat for Dave!

      Hi people, it's christmas time (nearly) and while people are giving christmas hats to their avatars, why not to give one to Dave as well? (Just not a burning one, burning one is mine)
    6. FictionDragon

      Oh well, I'll not bother using fire extinguisher or any other crap. If my hat wanna burn let it...

      Oh well, I'll not bother using fire extinguisher or any other crap. If my hat wanna burn let it burn! -_-
    7. FictionDragon

      ...Christmas hat Loaded. Warning: Fire detected!

      ...Christmas hat Loaded. Warning: Fire detected!
    8. FictionDragon

      Cheap Ship Competition [open]

      Hi, I build a Feather class ship but It still needs bit of testing, maybe even change of armament. I'll probably put it here tomorow. Oh and btw it's not a doomcube it's more like a doomwing :D
    9. FictionDragon

      Small Ship Competition!

      Beacause UK_IN_US wanna fit the best ships into his carrier or something like that. (Actually I know how to make really really powerful dimension-costly ships so no dimension limits would not be so bad for me :D)
    10. FictionDragon

      Small Ship Competition!

      No the prize of modules and armors are not balanced yet. Like I said, mass limits would the best. But we won't probably get rid of some sort of box limits anyway. And that is not bad because we don't wan't a block thin 1km long creations in this competition, right? :D
    11. FictionDragon

      Small Ship Competition!

      We are going to see some changes when this competition will come back to full life. :D
    12. FictionDragon

      Small Ship Competition!

      They are not fair play, they are ment to change the game. They are sort of protest againts box dimention limits. I would like the limits to be changed to mass. And then I will happily build something that isn't box. I don't even care if my doomcubes will be eliminated from competion then.
    13. FictionDragon

      Small Ship Competition!

      I know, I know, I would be more creative if the class limit been mass instead of box dimensions. I don't really like cubes, I'm just making the most from what's given to me. And until something changes I'll just continue building my doom cube series. Go on. Maybe atleast your Skoomdrone will...
    14. FictionDragon

      FD/DC C1_M2B Catapult 1.0

      A gladiator drone for the small ship contest.
    15. FictionDragon

      FD/DC C1_M2A Scorcher 1.0

      Class 1 gladiator drone for the small ship contest.
    16. FictionDragon

      Small Ship Competition!

      Ok, f*ck it i lied, its missiles n power again, what ya gonna do? Class I Name: FD/DC C1_M2B Catapult Size 7x7x7 Comunity content link And if anyone thinks I'm some missile fanatic, this will burn through all his douts: Class I Name: FD/DC C1_M2A Scorcher Size: 7x7x7 Comunity content link...
    17. FictionDragon

      Small Ship Competition!

      Since my first submited ship is now outdated I'm gonna make new one. This time no missiles nor power tanks.
    18. FictionDragon

      MY fist attempting uploading try this plz :3

      Do we really? :D No shooting allowed. Waste of ammo :p
    19. FictionDragon

      Adimo Elite Division

      Jamming is easy, cloaking is in stage of: Why should I even bother?
    20. FictionDragon

      Hull and the cloaker

      I believe this radius things have some perfomance issues but shield weakening/deactivation when cloak is on sounds reasonable. And about that need for cloak blocks in addition to its cpu: I think the way jump drive work would with cloakers and jammers as well. Like the more blocks your ship...