Search results

    1. ShinNoir

      Blue Sun Occupational Division (BSOD)

      Welcome to Blue Sun Occupational Division. Tire of the same old boxy mining ships you see in the Verse? Want some style while you eat asteroids? Annoyed with moving your targeting reticule to cover an entire asteroid? Are you ready for an excellent size to efficiency mining ship? We at BSOD...
    2. ShinNoir

      Remote Salvage beam rotation?

      Let me first start off and say that I am lazy. If there is any way to do something easier (and more creative) I'm going to do it. Salvaging, yes we could just build a giant cube and unload and suck up an entire asteroid, but where is the creativity in that? So with all of the new rails I had...
    3. ShinNoir

      Bottom Turret Orientation

      How do you get a turret that is on the bottom of your starship to face forward? Is there a way to rotate the turret docking block or do you just build the turret backwards, and does that actually work with the AI? ~ShinNoir
    4. ShinNoir

      Equipment and resource names

      First off I have to say I am loving the game. This should be a simple idea to help keep the resources easer to keep track of in someone's own head and it is based on the writing guidelines when naming characters and I learned this from the podcast Writing Excuses. (I highly recommend it if you...