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    1. J

      Battle Mode

      Alright, I haven't been able to find a clear answer on this anywhere, and I've looked around. If I've missed something obvious, please call me out on it and point me to what I missed. Battle Mode. Is it, or is it not implemented? If it is implemented, what is the setup process? Every time we...
    2. J

      StarMade dev update: why spherical planets don't fit in a block world

      Two-sided discs are fine. One sided-discs are fine. The focus is on space, not the ground. We\'ve got minecraft for the ground. I\'m no game developer. I just play \'em, not make \'em. However, my gut instinct is go to with simple. Toss all these complicated ideas out the window, all they are...
    3. J

      Blueprint bug has been here a long time,,, why?

      Schema can personally answer every question asked on the forums, or he can work on improving the game. Which would you rather? With every minute Schema spends working on Starmade, the blueprint bug is that much closer to being fixed. Personally, I would rather he spend time working on the game...
    4. J

      Blueprint bug has been here a long time,,, why?

      It\'s a free game, why are you complaining? The developer knows that there are bugs, and if he ever hopes for a profitable product, he\'ll fix the bugs. Be patient, report bugs in the correct forum, and enjoy the game. If you don\'t enjoy the game in its current state, go play something else...