Search results

    1. agigabyte

      Have you ever had a dream? If you wanna know why, the discussion here will tell you.
    2. agigabyte

      Unable to play multiplayer

      I am unable to play multiplayer, I have tried 3 servers, including localhost, and eventually it just times out.
    3. agigabyte

      Random things

      Travel modes (Slowest to fastest): STL (Slower Than Light) travel: Standard stuff, max of one hundred units per unit (UPU) Hyperspace: Requires 1 Hyperdrive block per five ship blocks, 500 UPU max, cannot see out of the vortex. Warp: Certain shapes and sizes give certain levels of warp from...
    4. agigabyte

      I am looking for a mature fac wars server with no ship stealing but with pvp.

      Yes, I know i am picky.
    5. agigabyte


      We are currently only on one server but will soon be on mulltiple ones, current server: noah4th server, thread:
    6. agigabyte

      Greetings from the Gigalliance.

      Hello, I am agigabyte, leader off the gigallince faction, (Although I will not advertise here, that is for the factions forum.) I am awesome and humble :) I hope to enjoy my stay.