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    1. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      Oh the white hull! Olympus class battleship, versatile fleet ship built around block damage output. Olympus carries AMCs. stopping beams, 2 lockon missile arrays, ion heatseekers, and a hulk missile. Main weapon systems are centered around block damage output. Passive systems include radar...
    2. LegoRobot17

      New Icon/Logo

      I hate to say it, but I'm not a fan of the current logo; it has too many small lines and inconsistant details. I decided to make my own version. Here is my suggestion for a new logo: It's quite a bit simpler, and it shows up better than the current one when displayed at small resolutions.
    3. LegoRobot17

      Damage Overlays

      The cracked overlay currently in-game doesn't really fit a large-scale space style very well. I have made a new set of overlays which much better represent damage to blocks. Instead of using cracks, I have simply created a gradient of black, which slowely gets more opaque as the block takes...