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    1. Nor

      Some Questions About Factories

      I recently started playing starmade again, and I'm trying to figure out all these changes. I'm a bit confused about the changes to factories. ============================================================= [#1.] What does the drop down menu in a factory input do? [#2.] What are Refinery blocks...
    2. Nor

      [ Nor ] The Introuction

      =================================================== Good , readers of this post. As you've already read, I go by the name of Nor. And as you might have guessed, I like starmade and it's forum enough to make an introduction thread. Even so, I am usually content to be just a lurker, and any...
    3. Nor

      Hi I'm new!

      Hello! I just heard about this game from my friend yesterday, and I'm super psyched about playing it! Even though I've faced a few setbacks on my starter ship (random npc attacks while building) I've finally got a handle on the basics and am looking forward to exploring the game mechanics and...