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    1. A

      Blocks randomly disappears

      So blocks have started to randomly disapper from chests and factories. I've put my stuff in chests and in factories to let it cook while I'm off going to shops to get more stuff and when I come back random items are just gone, like recipes I've farmed for hours to get and with no one being able...
    2. A

      Picking up blocks with full inventory

      So, I don't know if it's a intended feature or not but when you have a full inventory and you pick up something it just disappears, it just vanishes into nothing. This is not good, not at all, 3 times now I've deleted my chests that were full of items by accident and lost most and in 1 case all...
    3. A

      Blocks disappearing

      Alright, as many people out there by now probably have noticed while using the advanced build tool to place or delete blocks is that the number of blocks you've placed/deleted doesn't match up with how many it was before you started, suddenly after puttind down 10 blocks at a time you've spent...
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      The chat

      It's not really a bug per say, but I treat it as one. When you type stuff in chat, if you type an X your chat scrolls down and when you type a Y your chat scrolls up, I don't think it's suppose to do that.