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    1. Z

      Some safety from pirates in spawn area

      So after long pause from game i came back to try what's new. I built a small ship and was a bit idling around next to spawn station with a friend. Pirates came and destroyed my little starter "ship" in a second... Luckily i had just enough of money left to make a tiny salvager ship. Would it be...
    2. Z

      Loot count multipliers bugged?

      I made few changes to my server.cfg. Mainly i wanted a change to the thing where i get just 1 of some item (why would i need 1 of something to fill an inventory slot anyway?), so i tried increasing amount of loot in stack, but decrease amount of different item stacks. So i changed to this...
    3. Z

      Pirate station turrets inside wall

      Image should explain all Docking module points inwards the station, and enhancers are pointing outwards. Those turrets are free kills with their ship core exposed, and unable to shoot back.
    4. Z

      Navigation bugs - black marker

      1) This happens sometimes and i don't know how to fix it. I may remove main ship faction module (while turrets are still docked) and place it somewhere else, but activating it again. I've also undocked the turrets, reset and redone the faction signature, but they still appear black sometimes...
    5. Z

      Hyperion - cruiser?

      Stats, screenshots and .sment downloads are all behind the Dropbox link: This is my second rather big ship, purpose was to make it my new base ship for storage and stuff. So i wanted to make ship as good as possible. Also balancing ship core...
    6. Z

      Turning speed studies

      Has anyone found out how turning speed works? I did some testing on 2 of my ships, orienting towards point on station and doing 360 degrees turn sideways. Ship 1: - Turning time: ~43s - Mass 1722 - Measures: 92 x 26 x 104 (meters) Ship 2: - Turning time: ~43s - Mass: 498 - Measures: 34 x 18 x...
    7. Z

      Engine glow looks buggy

      Engine glow never worked very logically on my screen. Its flashing seems sometimes very random. But what i am mostly surprised of, is that many ships docked on my station are having bright pink glow on their engines. They had that even before this patch where the glow amount was supposed to...
    8. Z

      Press ESC twice when in build block

      It disables all your controls and moves camera to spot you were when entering build block. You can't move or do anything, only rotate the camera. So it's some kind of mix mode between build mode and astronaut, but it's neither of them. To get unstuck, aim build block and hit R.
    9. Z

      Repeatable crash bug on adv build

      1) Have handgun in slot 1. 2) Enter ship core or build block, and press Space to go build mode. 3) Make sure the handgun is selected. 4) Hold down CTRL key to be in advanced build mode. 5) Move mouse 1 pixel somewhere, or use mousewheel -> Game crash. On sidenote, i did't know you can change...
    10. Z

      Better projectile movement, vector math

      Lets define few vectors; S = Ship velocity, W = Weapon force to cursor direction, P = Projectile end velocity. 3D vector has 3 components, X, Y, Z. So there exists S.x, S.y, S.z. If i say A = B + C, in computer terms it means adding each component: A.x = B.x + C.x A.y = B.y + C.y A.z = B.z + C.z...
    11. Z

      Walking on wedge blocks - dead

      I just tried this couple times on my big ship, to use gravity block and then walk around. As soon as i'm walking over wedge blocks (slopes) inside the ship, i die from lack of oxygen. Playing on my own server, meaning 0 latency and 60 fps.
    12. Z

      X key scrolls chat

      When i'm typing message and there is enough messages to make the scrollbar appear, typing x character makes the chat scroll up.
    13. Z

      Advanced build mode forgets settings

      After using advanced build mode to make 10x10x10 cube, then coming out of the ship, and back in, the 10x10x10 setting is forgotten. Game still makes visual bug by showing the numbers 10, but it's actually 1x1x1, and you have to do the 27 arrow clicks again. (Regarding which, maybe let us hold...
    14. Z

      Ore prices modification (with download)

      Current Level 5 ore is very easy way to get millions of credits in instant. Luckily Starmade provides us with Block editor in the Start game menu. As seen in image below, i did some changes to all ore types. Originally L1..L5 buy and sell prices were 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 1000000. I changed them...
    15. Z

      Collision physics

      Current collision physics are sometimes acting very weird. I was flying inside faction station frame on very small ship, in slow speed (under 30), on my own server (ping 1), fps 60, and i still get bugs. Mainly when squeezing through small holes while being angled ~30 degrees diagonally on some...
    16. Z

      server.cfg questions

      I guess this could be general thread for this kind of questions. I have just 1 for now: REMOVE_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINTS = true //Auto-removes a modified blueprint What does this actually mean? I want to be able to "/save Myship" over and over again, so that it replaces the old one. So does this...
    17. Z

      FactoryInput - Insufficient energy

      I get these red error popups (Insufficient energy) floating above some of my FactoryInput blocks. I don't see why, because each of these are connected to 5 power blocks. Overall power regeneration on the station is almost 1 million. And why only those factories but not the others. I even tried...
    18. Z

      Proper way to stop dedicated server?

      I'm starting dedicated server from StarMade-dedicated-server-windows.bat. Problem is that the console is not accepting any input... What i normally do is Ctrl+C to stop the server. It seems to do saving stuff, but i'd still like to be sure if this is OK way to stop server? I don't want to use...
    19. Z

      Sphere planet illusion from cube planet

      Just showing 1 way to make planet from cubes, kind of illusion of sphere when it's actually not. What you get from planet like this? It is repeatable in X and Z axis just like real planet. If you fly plane in 1 direction, you come around where you started, and all you ever saw was flat (a...
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      About new suggestions medium

      Sticky thread suggests us to make suggestions on the google site I haven't seen any activity there for days now, and no new suggestions have been published. I made some myself many days ago, which are all awaiting...