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    1. Aegon

      quick logic help?

      Hello I was wondering if someone could let me know how to use logic to keep a system activated indefinitely, assuming enough power is available. In this case I am trying to have jammers turned on at all times, even when a ship is vacant. Thanks in advance for your help!
    2. Aegon

      Ion Beam not working properly.

      Hello, I have begin constructing and subsequently testing a new ship with a large ion beam cannon. This Weapon is currently 2500 beam, with 100% beam and ion slave. Whenever I hit a ship with this beam, it takes its shields down but instantly regenerates them as well, resulting in some...
    3. Aegon

      d1000's aren't working!

      I've recently completely rehauled and refitted a destroyer of mine, and everything works smoothly. Then I go to add big new d1000 tubes. At first it wont fire because I didn't have enough power, which I understand. So I scaled them down until I could power them. Now they do not fire even though...