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    1. Panda856856

      Universe Won't load giving a "Run time exception"

      I think I've got it figured out now, thanks for the help
    2. Panda856856

      Universe Won't load giving a "Run time exception"

      My OS is Windows 8.1 and I believe I've installed it to my documents folder.
    3. Panda856856

      Universe Won't load giving a "Run time exception"

      As far as i'm aware its a single player / local player universe and the logstarmade.o.log file does not seem to appear in the logs folder after the universe fails to load. I'm also just using my laptop to play the game.
    4. Panda856856

      Universe Won't load giving a "Run time exception"

      I don't see the exact file in the logs folder after it fails to start Oh that file was from a separate download hears one from the actual fail.
    5. Panda856856

      Universe Won't load giving a "Run time exception"

      Every time I go to load this particular universe it gives me a "Run time exception". Not sure what to do.