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    1. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      I think there's a bug that's never been fixed since I posted this thread last year, that makes lower end PCs unable to launch StarMade. What I did to fixed the issue was to get a better PC, which remotely count as a method.
    2. General_Revil

      One more step from remove filter: Replace filter

      Damn I'm not sure this is awesome or awkward. Anyways thanks for showing me this, now may I have my birthday wish back for something else?Btw I'm a subscriber of your youtube channel. Great videos, looking forward to your EVE online ships, keep up the good work.
    3. General_Revil

      One more step from remove filter: Replace filter

      I have an old titan with only shield capacitor, and I need to replace part of them with recharger. With the current remove filter, the best I can do is to set the selected area big enough in server config, remove all capacitor, place recharger on the same spot, and clean off the excess...
    4. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      Ok, so first open StarMade-starter.exe, on the top left corner you should see the Option button. Click Options and now you should see Memory Settings from the drop down menu. Click Memory Settings and you should be able to change the settings of Client & SinglePlayer and Dedicated Server. In my...
    5. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      I contacted Calbiri and he sent me to AndyP the head tester. Long story short in my case it's the memory setting's problem. Andy told me to set it to 4096, 512, 256 and the game menu opens normally. The game still crashes due to low on minimum memory so I increased to 4096, 4096, 2048 but this...
    6. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      God damn it I thought it really works yesterday, but the game crash almost immediately after I spawn every time I launch the game, then the mouse detached from the game and can click through the game. It's little bit hard to explain, basically if I pause a youtube video and launch the game...
    7. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      I haven't try to move it, but I did re-download it on the desktop. I think that's pretty much the same, and the answer is no, it didn't work until I use your method.
    8. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      Thanks a lot man, you are really helpful. I know not only me is having such a issue, by any chance do you know if Schema is working on it?
    9. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      Ok I finally got it right. Apparently I have to type in J: before the first command to switch from C: to J:. So now I can launch the game through cmd, but is there a way to make a shortcut or anything so I don't have to go through these commands every time?
    10. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      Yes J:\GAMES\StarMade is created by the StarMade-Starter. And StarMade.jar is right inside J:\GAMES\StarMade, so is it not really missing? I already updated the game in the starter today, I'll now try to download it manually.
    11. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      Ok so my path is J:\GAMES\StarMade I open cmd and first type in cd J:\GAMES\StarMade, press enter then type in java - jar StarMade.jar -force then I get the error message "Error: Unable to access jarfile StarMade.jar" Are any of my steps wrong? What message should I get normally?
    12. General_Revil

      Bug Cannot start game

      Since about a week ago, after an update, I cannot launch the game. The start game button and the start dedicated server button on StarMade starter do nothing but close the StarMade starter. Also after this I get updates almost everyday. I'm not sure there are really this many updates or it's...
    13. General_Revil

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      Does the same thing happen when you press start game? Coz I cannot start dedicated server and even start game
    14. General_Revil

      Realistic Graphics Feedback

      Well I haven\'t seen all of the blocks yet, but what I think is the realistic texture should be a realistic version of the original texture. That means the design should stay the same, but the style should be realistic.
    15. General_Revil

      Lightsource in buildmode

      I made a post about this too. Please Schema I\'m begging you
    16. General_Revil

      Blocks in hotbar spontaneously converted.

      I always put wedges on the left of whole blocks, so my wedges turn into whole blocks A LOT
    17. General_Revil

      cool new stuff that you would like to see in starmade, wepons,npc, ect

      If we can build mechs that have movable limbs and shit this will be so awesome
    18. General_Revil

      Melee weapon for ships: Ram

      I don\'t really know what is desintegrator, but it sounds not very much a weapon to me? I don\'t think ram is very similar to this desintegrator...
    19. General_Revil

      Melee weapon for ships: Ram

      I think the goal is to make covering ship with ram a absolute lose. If the shield is way less powerful than normal when protecting ram blocks, like 50%, even 75% weaker, that should do it. If that\'s not enough, maybe the shield should not cover any ram on the ship at all. This actually make...
    20. General_Revil

      Melee weapon for ships: Ram

      Here is the idea. So far in game crashing your ship into another ship won't do any damage to it. It's not realistic, but I'm okay with it (because I crash my ship a lot). However, I think it'll be fun if there is a way to damage a ship by crashing my ship into it. Thus introduce a new hull...