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    1. C

      Setting thrust output

      Yes throttle system, thats what i meant thank you :) If someone uses all his keys he would just outkite me atm, thats right, but its also very unrealistic to have an engine in the back which can give me the same amount of thrust in all directions. I think different direction thrusters are also...
    2. C

      Setting thrust output

      Hello, ive been playing Starmade for a long time and what always bothered me was that i had to hold down the directional movement key (eg. w) to get my ship in that specific direction. This system is ok and with the ability to turn damping off it has become very easy to fly through space without...
    3. C

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Are you still doing that or dont you have the time anymore ?
    4. C

      Ancient Aurora Warship-Stargate Project

      Looks really nice :) I searched before for a aurora class warship but couldnt find one so i tried to build one by myself. length 1500 m but now i found your project and i ask you if i can help you in some point.
    5. C

      More ship editing/building tools

      I agree with that. But it would be also good, if you can set a section u want to fill and dont have to do it all by hand. A little bit like in that bukkit servers from minecraft
    6. C

      50km Speed LIMIT

      I would say that you need a special thurster just like a warp core or something like that to go faster then 50km or faster then 100km but this will use an aweful amount of power so that only big ships with a lot energy can use it.