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    1. Leidz

      Torpedo and Weapon 2.0

      I made some oreo like projectile. I replaced the white milk part (yeah just imagine) with a fast rotating wheel with warhead as saw teeth. I launch it with the red undocking rail. Can do some damage to hull but its really random. But when the oreo hit, he create tiny breach. Pretty funny. But...
    2. Leidz

      Radio blocks

      I call radio two different block: radio receiver block radio transmitter block Transmitter block: A block, when you right click on it show a window with nothing in. you can write a frequency on it, only with number. Once the freq is set. You can power it with button or what you want. When...
    3. Leidz

      Torpedo and Weapon 2.0

      Yeah.. Maybe, but torpedo and handmade thing with warhead are a more creative way to do war. I will find a way to do this ^_^
    4. Leidz

      Torpedo and Weapon 2.0

      Hi, I'm trying to do torpedo, i know push and pull module have been deleted. I have tried to do this with no weapon on my torpedo but my ship wont ram into the isanth the torpedo just stay far away doing normal battle pattern but without weapon... Is there a way to make torpedo or it's broken now?
    5. Leidz


    6. Leidz

      Universe Update Roadmap #1

      Ah, good to see we have post for it! And thanks, i will check that discord. Love that game, still waiting. ^-^
    7. Leidz

      Universe Update Roadmap #1

      Hi! Little question here : The universe update still on phase 1 or the roadmap is not updated?
    8. Leidz

      Way to remove pipe on cargo blocks?

      Ah, thanks! It works! I did not notice this in option yesterday :)
    9. Leidz

      Way to remove pipe on cargo blocks?

      Hello everyone, with the new update, my system is a bit confusing now with all these pipe on my storage chest, have we a way to remove that, or set something in option to off?
    10. Leidz

      Pre-Release Stab.Intergrity Update Dev Thread

      The strange beam thing can be a good idea, but the non physical way is not really good, maybe make physical block like the animated blue conduit decoration can be better, more controlable and less "Oh hey i am the big purple beam, just going on ur corridor dont worry about me!"
    11. Leidz

      Automaton Creator

      Automaton Creator