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    1. Syleiel

      Proximity Voice Chat

      Is StarMade capable of supporting a method of in-game voice chat? And if so, could that voice chat be proximal in relation to the player that is speaking with everyone around him, leaving individuals out of earshot not able to hear. If proximity voice chat is not something that StarMade could...
    2. Syleiel

      Server to Server Gate/Portal?

      Ignore the minecraft knockoff, but skip to 0:55 in the video. Would something like this be possible in StarMade? A warpgate or portal that someone could walk through / fly a ship through and end up in another server? Essentially, this would be bringing servers out of seclusion, if they...
    3. Syleiel

      TIE Fighter Pilot

      Started work on a TIE fighter pilot skin. So far I've done the helmet, and am currently doing the main body. Constructive criticism is welcome.
    4. Syleiel

      X, Y, Z axis bug

      When I started up StarMade today I noticed that every core had this red, blue, green axis marker on it no matter if I'm in build mode, flight mode, or astronaut mode. To make matters worse, whenever I move around the axis marker distorts itself and covers my screen with lines. Anyone else run...
    5. Syleiel

      Game crash when saving ship

      Spent 3 hours making a 512m diameter sphere with the ellipsoid build helper, only to have my game crash whenever I try to save it. I've made much larger ships, so I know that this hollow sphere's size is not an issue. I can save other ships, but it doesn't let me save this one. Anyone else...
    6. Syleiel

      •Kuat Drive Yards•

      Note: These ships meant for role playing purposes and will not excel in non-role play combat. If a ship was not originally equipped with shields in the Star Wars universe, then none were added to it. All speeds/acceleration/weapons are relative to how the actual craft performs in the Star Wars...
    7. Syleiel

    8. Syleiel

      More Colored Hulls

      I understand that this may seem minuscule for some, but at times I'd like to have a bigger selection of colors to work with when constructing ships. (i.e. not using brown as a substitute for orange)
    9. Syleiel

      Star Wars - Sith Infiltrator (Darth Maul's Ship) Finished

      Scimitar Star Courier / Sith Infiltrator, as seen in use by Darth Maul in Episode I. The first of a series of Star Wars ships that I plan on recreating. This ship is built for RP/replica purposes, so please don't complain when it doesn't excel in combat. Download Link...