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      The UNSC Remembrance-class frigate

      Again, Sorry iv been gone for so lone, Im preping for the marines so Iv been busy, Ill try to start up work on it, Im over half way done.. but the part im working on atm is jsut.. not appealing to me right now. so i am currently working on some other ships.
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      I've been around for awhile..

      Sorry i\'ve been goen for awhile ill try to dig it up and ill get back to you.
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      The UNSC Remembrance-class frigate

      hay guys! sorry i\'ve been absent for so long! im still semi absent but ill continue working on big iron! :3
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      1:1 UNSC Halo Things; a mixed bag of insanity and free time.

      lol 4/5 of all posts on this thread are like \"OMG OMG OMG DOWNLOADS!?\" calm down shildren.. IF he wants to give them out the downloads will be up when he feels they should be.. if he hasent answered the first 30 comments asking for downloads hes probably busy XD
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      The UNSC Remembrance-class frigate

      thanks :3 i took a break yesterday.. i havent really been feelign too hot.. as well as im at a part of the build which is jsut really tedius and annoying XD
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      Halo Universe

      as well as it may not be a threat.. but Big Iron sure is.. :P
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      Halo Universe

      lol omfg its so cute XD
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      The UNSC Remembrance-class frigate

      Point taken, lol but in all seriousness.. this ship is stupidly large.. and the firepower of it... is just ungodly.. im concerned that it mgiht not be allowed on servers XD
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      Halo Universe

      As I know it can be really difficult to measure out builds for detail Especialy since we dont have \"half blocks\" but its pretty cool when its all done! If you need any help id be more then willing to help you out, rightn ow im finnishing up the bay doors for big iron then i have to start on...
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      The UNSC Remembrance-class frigate

      Dont worry abotu it, This ship is overly large.. it may be almsot exactly 1:1 scale but its un logical to fly around in this like its a frigate xD I pride myself on beign highly detailed with my builds so thats another reason for its size, though ill probably be making a much smaller, more...
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      Halo Universe

      @KhevaKins Ya, me and bench talk a lot, I woudlnt have a problem giving him credit XD @Akkaga Hehe, thank you! I try to put a lot of detail into all my builds... thus the oversized pelican XDD its probably the most detailed pelican on starmade atm... though I almost lost it to a planet... it...
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      The UNSC Remembrance-class frigate

      will do! and I dont Blame you! Big Iron is pretty sexy :P keep an eye out for my upcoming builds! Ill set of a thread soon to psot all my projects :)
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      Halo Universe

      Haha Ya it does look liek a gun but I think thats the originel insperatio nfor frigates was a shotgun! XD and Akkaga, I think I\'ve seen it around though Im not sure who has it, I guess Ill jsut have to get soem from someoen on the server when Big irons done! also, Im not sure what the...
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      The UNSC Remembrance-class frigate

      I dont think I will, sorry! Its a pretty grand accomplishment, its taken me 5 days so far to build and thats jsut the shell I still have to add all the systems and whatnot as well as make the halls/rooms though I may put it up for download in the future. but dont fret I am coming out with more...
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      Halo Universe

      Update guys! :D Current Details: Mass: 13248.9 (Blocks: 132489) Length: 424m, Hight: 146m; Width: 74m (so far) Power:20000.0/20000.0 (1842.4 e/sec) (it only has power right now for a few sheild blocks I placed incase of an emergency) Thrust: 0.0 Shields: 2023.0/2023 (10s/sec) My...
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      Great so far! :D I also finnished the lower cargo bay for Big Iron last night xD also, are you going to be making the mule? :o
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      Halo Universe

      Its 9:45PM End of day 4, thinking about buildign a bit longer.. but Big Irons at about 97000 blocks. I also tests one of the mac canons (it wasnt even a completes Canon) on soem of my other ships in the sectore (they were causeing some lag and their also my strongest sheild ships, the big iron...
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      Revisioned warp gates

      OMFG *golf clap* great Idea for the already planned \"warpgate\" they would spawn like stores, though i think even more \"rare\" then said shops would be a lot like the mass effect warp launchers and you could see when your in range of one Just like when your in range of the shop! :D 2 thumb up!
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      Very Beautiful work Bench, and I didnt knwo you had your own site! VERY nice and clean looking, simple and functional :)
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      Schema please read this

      I ment to psot a topic about this.. but heres a BEAUTIFUL comparisen from the old and the new. Old: which looks kind of bleh... and heres the much better New: much better right? if your problems with plex light then jsut space them out farther appart :3