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    1. Darkatus

      Credit Limit Upgraded?

      I have been trying to buy the blueprints of a ship I made, and I can't because it costs 3 billion. This is problematic as the current credit cap is around 2.1 billion. Could this be increased in anyway?
    2. Darkatus

      More Advanced "Advanced Build Mode"

      I've been playing Starmade for almost 2 years now, and one thing that's always been lacking about Advanced Build Mode is the incapability to place more blocks at a time (Such as a 10 x 1 x 20, not a 10 x 1 x 10) and the ability to place blocks in different shapes such as a sphere. I would find...
    3. Darkatus

      Kill Weapons Tech 2

      Kill Weapons Tech 2 is from the old Starmade forums and I am continuing my work here. Ships: Name: H2-BEHEMOTH Pictures: The front view of the H2-BEHEMOTH. The two huge objects on the sides of the ship are turrets that span nearly the entire length of the ship. The dimensions of this ship...
    4. Darkatus

      Salvage Beams not appearing

      Ive been experienceing a problem (semi-uncommon) that salvage lasers wont appear. It makes salvageing really difficult because my salvage beam is not alligned to a view point. It is 'sort've' a common experience that really makes gameplay difficult when mining. It would be great for this to be...
    5. Darkatus

      Salvage Shields

      Recently on servers in PvP or just with my friends alone, salvage cannons destroy my spacestations and turrets. I had an idea to fix that with a Anti-Salvage-Module In theroy, this block when places on a planet, ship, turret, spacestation etc, would stop salvage cannons from affecting the...