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    1. TheSuperintendnt

      Just some ideas that I've been playing with.

      Talking about dimension in video games can be difficult, and as I am not well versed on how StarMade handles dimensions I can't give a definitive answer. But technically speaking you don't have to be in another dimension, just a different sector, and/or a different type of sector as the only...
    2. TheSuperintendnt

      Just some ideas that I've been playing with.

      Yes its a small Wormhole Personal Weapons facility works for me. Bioresearch facilities mainly contains creatures. The (terribly named) "KickGate" is supposed to be a one-way "kick" used mainly as a deployment system for smaller crafts from very large carriers. Though it can be argued it is...
    3. TheSuperintendnt

      Just some ideas that I've been playing with.

      Quick environment ideas Planet plates could be based on size(bigger planet = more plates), think Pentagonal Hexecontahedrons or Truncated Icosahedron A new class of generated structure, "ancient" these are rare and powerful artifacts that contain materials, systems and objects that can't be...
    4. TheSuperintendnt

      CLOSED* CONTEST: Default Stations Submission

      Now my question is: Should I keep the Hanger 2 sided (well top bottom but what ever), or do I leave just the bottom landing pads. Also all pads have/will have logic and are, Red when unoccupied, or White when occupied. Complete Album:
    5. TheSuperintendnt

      Is this game dead?

      After reading *most* other the posts in this thread Logic- this is a great system they have implemented for one reason: SIMPLICITY, if you understand basic logic you can create amazing things/systems ( Minecraft's bane-of-many-players, redstone, is even more simplistic and look what people...
    6. TheSuperintendnt

      Changes to Weapons, Shields, Cloaking, Jamming and Armor for balance and improved playability

      (If I seem to be brief its due to me typing a nice descriptive post, only to have something happen that makes the page reload and wiping everything I wrote) Realistic, no, fun, yes but some realism is good just not to much, that\'s boring. Rock, Paper, Scissors, maybe something like...
    7. TheSuperintendnt

      Changes to Weapons, Shields, Cloaking, Jamming and Armor for balance and improved playability

      I found these responses interesting, Izikiel: Yes, as I have been compiling my thoughts and writing them down over that last few days it seems a simple idea has become a highly complex one! That of course can be good and bad and perhaps i should re-compile my thoughts into a much simpler and to...
    8. TheSuperintendnt

      Changes to Weapons, Shields, Cloaking, Jamming and Armor for balance and improved playability

      Hi, I have been thinking about how one could solve the balance issues with Weapons, Armor and Shields. What's better? Fighters? Small Ships? Big Ships? I believe that if I'm in a (well designed) capital ship, a fighter a tenth the size should not be able to defeat it. Also my alterations...
    9. TheSuperintendnt

      Mushroom Fleet's Mk.9 Capital Ship

      1) \"necropost\" What is this? 2) By \"Flying with us\" I assume you mean on your server, which I might be interested in. 3) Recently used your guide to get a model into the game, so thanks for that!
    10. TheSuperintendnt

      New Block Ideas! (3D Models included)

      YES, this would be nice, but being able to put the angles and ANY angle would be nice.
    11. TheSuperintendnt

      Decorative Blocks

      You guys liked those ideas!? Im glad, and I know some Java, but with no idea where to start I can\'t implement any of them.
    12. TheSuperintendnt

      Beating Cloaking

      You need massive amounts of power to cloak even a small ship, and adding ANYTHING but power modules just increases that demand. My first (and only) cloakable ship was a small perma-cloak Fast Attack Craft (Nameless), but its more of a Fast Recon Craft(FRC) as its more focused on speed, with...
    13. TheSuperintendnt

      StarMade is greenlit

      ALL RIGHT! Fun shall be had by more and congratulations!
    14. TheSuperintendnt

      Decorative Blocks

      Well my thoughts on that might be more functional then esthetic but, Captains Chair - Passager Chair also functions as a Ship Core used to spawn ships Crew Chair - Passenger Chair plus allows them use of linked systems i.e. turrets, weapons, drones, etc. Passenger Chair - block player can...
    15. TheSuperintendnt

      Improved AI & Remote Control

      Well, after playing for a bit I thought there needs to be some new blocks/functionality, but remote control needs to be limited to docked vessels. Below are some ideas. (1): Fleet/Fighter Command- This block links with another ships AI module and allows for a few functions: Range- the...
    16. TheSuperintendnt

      Gravity doors!

      Perhaps instead of having doors, or as suggested in other threads: forcefields (I do think something like this for Hangers should be added), that directly turn gravity on/off for a player/ship, they instead act like a pressure plate in Minecraft, and can be \'linked\' with other blocks, so that...