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    1. A

      Game will not launch

      Thanks. I got it working now. I downloaded and installed the Java Se Dev. Kit and it works now. Thanks for the help :)
    2. A

      Game will not launch

      Here is what I got in the terminal. I asterisked my name out, just to let you know, since its in the computers name. ****-MacBook-Pro:~ **********$ cd /Applications/Games/ ****-MacBook-Pro:Games **********$ cd StarMade ****-MacBook-Pro:StarMade **********$ java -jar StarMade.jar -force No Java...
    3. A

      Game will not launch

      Whenever I open the launcher and click 'Start Game', the launcher closes and nothing happens. No other windows open. I am running on a mac, I am running v 0.1421 of the game, my java is updated to V7 Build 55 which is the most recent recommended build. I have reinstalled Java and the launcher...
    4. A

      New Game?

      I think what he means is having seperate saves, (i.e. Multiple worlds/saves in Minecraft). So in one save you have this, in another save you have that.