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    1. StellarAmbition

      Lasers for a light source?

      I started thinking about how i could light my ship's hallways but the normal square plex lights kinda seemed boring to me and how you have to place them about every 4 or 5 blocks apart. Then it hit me, how cool would it be to light the hallways with beams/lasers beneath a layer of glass! Think...
    2. StellarAmbition

      Axis Orbiting

      I would love to have the ability to orbit around a target. Maybe bind it to a key and once you have something targeted your ship would then orbit around it based on how close you are when the key is first pressed and what axis your ship is moving on. This could eventually lead to many cool AI...
    3. StellarAmbition

      Station Improvements

      With the current functions that stations have it leaves much to be desired. I feel that with just a few improvements stations / bases / player shops can play a bigger role. Here are a few ideas that could make owning or using them more fun. 1) Announcements- Just like how servers typically a...
    4. StellarAmbition

      Colored Projectiles

      As others have posted about wanting some ability to change the color of their weapons would it not be a simple fix to use the plex lights for colors? Maybe just placing the light adjacent to the weapon and have the weapon copy the plex light's color? Or you could maybe link the light to the...
    5. StellarAmbition

      Potential Problems for Future Weapon Update

      By now a majority of the players know about the upcoming weapon system update that will completely change everything. One of the weapon types that will be introduced are long range weapons. Currently we can make weapons that can out-range our view distance and with these new long range weapons...
    6. StellarAmbition

      CO - Pilot

      Would it not be nice to have some form of a co-pilot to aid you in your adventures? I wanted a way to make ships feel more functional then just having the core being the control structure of a ship. What i suggest is create a new block called a Pilot or some other fancy name. What the pilot...
    7. StellarAmbition

      Turret Mechanics

      Are there any mechanics set in the game that affect turret's turn speeds? I have yet to notice if there are. Do turrets just rotate / turn at the same speeds regardless of mass? Do dimensions fator in any, such as a turret that's 200 blocks long turn at the same speed as another that's only 20...
    8. StellarAmbition

      Repair Bay

      The idea of a repair bay / mechanic has been suggested before but I believe I have the easiest or well simpliest way to implement it: 1) Create a new bay / dock blocks that act similar to normal ship docks with a docking module and enhancers. 2) Create a block that acts similar to factories in...