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    1. N

      ARMTec Multitask Vessel

      The Multitask Vessel code named Capaneus acts as a miner, transport and a research lab. Half of the ships systems are automatic and because of that a crew of 6 is more than enough to operate it. Thanks to the research lab being on board all minerals that are mined can be immediately procesed and...
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      Chain docking

      I don't know if a topic like this was made before but i'll make it anyway. We really need chain docking or the ability do dock big ships, with smaller ones and turrets docked on it, on a station. I started making docking rings on my station for my 3 big ships but as one of them is a carrier...
    3. N

      The Shadow Fleet

      These are the current ships that make the fleet more are underway. They dont really have names for now but here are some temporary ones(the classes i used here are from Blitzwing's Guideline): Titan Class Feros Supercarrier This ship easily fall in the classification of a Supercarrier because...