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    1. koo_04

      Linux server install Directory

      I would like to know if there is a way to have starmade install in another place with the terminal command. I.E. java -ram -ram -jar -jarfile -server -port:4242 -PATH:SOMETHING Please let me know. This will greatly help the way I run and update the multiple servers I run.
    2. koo_04

      [Server] WarHead-Gaming Community Server!

      Yeah, I am sorry about that . One of of my admins was doing some moderation and teleported someone in a massive ship. Caused it to crash.
    3. koo_04

      [Server] WarHead-Gaming Community Server!

      I am sorry about that. I was not around yet. All should be fine.
    4. koo_04

      [Server] WarHead-Gaming Community Server!

      Welcome! We are Warhead-Gaming. We just started up a StarMade server to see what all the fuss is about and now we are addicted. That being said, we want to make the server public. So we did! IP: TeamSpeakServer: Rules are simple, no...