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      Ship Cosmetics

      It would be nice if we could use paint on our ship to change the appearance of it. I know that we can use factories to turn one colour hull block into another colour, but I'm thinking about being able to paint over the textures of non-hull blocks, like AMCs or engines. This would be great for...
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      Plex storage and its importance in the economy.

      I like it. It\'ll make amassing a fortune difficult. But like someone said earlier (too lazy to find a name), I think this something that should be implemented later, like in beta.
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      Rotate the spacesuit

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      Some ideas about the future of starmade

      I hate, hate, hate the idea of needing things like food and water. In games like Minecraft, it feels natural, but in a Space game like StarMade, it would feel completely out of place, and like stormclouf said, it would make building ships difficult because you would constantly die. However, a...
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      Split engines into different types with different effects. Also, add "Item levels/tiers"

      I like the idea of multi tiered items. However, I don\'t like how complicated that engine idea is.
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      A suggestion about AI, specifically Bobby

      I agree with the everything.
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      Econ, Weapons

      I think the reason why money is so easy to come by right now is because we are in alpha, where most of the kinks get worked out, and having a ton of money helps testers look for bugs. I believe it was said that once StarMade is out of alpha/beta money is going to be a lot harder to come by.
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      Auto-pilot and functional navigation system

      I saw a thread on here earlier that talked about a kind of turbo engine boost. When you activated it, your max speed increased by a lot, but you couldn\'t turn any; you could only use it to go in a single, linear direction. I think that would be a bit better than an autopilot function, but still...
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      New Waypoints

      This definitely needs to be added.
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      Special missions

      If Mr. Schema added in active space stations, then quests would be an awesome feature to implement.
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      Improved Sector Navigation/Warp Drive and some Misc.

      I don\'t like the idea of insta-travel. However, Captain\'s and Visitor\'s ideas of a turbo engine ability sounds really cool. I like that idea, because it\'s really useful for travel, but not overpowered in fights because it only goes in a straight line.
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      Mass Delete Block Filter and Mass Swap

      When you press left ctrl in Build mode you get the advanced build mode menu. In there you can mass build/destroy a group of blocks. I think there should be an option to filter the mass delete. Say you want to want to redo your hull, but don't want to mess up your ship's reactor or weapons...
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      The Power Question, solved?

      I love the fact that this is a repeated pattern. Usually with the 5^3 challenge, the reactors are ugly monstrocities. This is really an elegant design.
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      Blocking Weapons?

      I was wondering, if I were to put a block in front of an AMC and fire it, would the AMC laser hit the block, or go through it?
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      Beating Cloaking

      How about a weapon (of sorts) to counter-act the cloak? What I have in mind is, you activate it the same way you fire missiles or the salvage laser, but intead of a single beam or projectile, it releases a bubble, like a 3D sonar ping. when this \"ping\" comes in contact with something, like an...
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      Having Starmade private server wars! Need opposition! (SKYPE REQUIRED)

      IGN: AnNoYiNg NaMe Skype: Bobathon Team: I\'m a good ship designer; I\'m pretty good in a dogfight; I\'m versatile, I can build bombers, AMC fighters, mining ships, and know the ins and outs of using them pretty well; I won\'t go picking losing fights against rediculous odds; and most...
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      Looking for players for my server. (SKYPE REQUIRED)

      Skype Name: Bobathon Age: 16 What will I do: Have fun, build stuff, collaborate with other players to build massive dreadnaughts, and a little Faction PvP (only with those who want to, I\'m not going to be a grief-pirate)