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    1. mikesheen

      Mikeland StarMade shutting down

      Mikeland StarMade has been running since June 18, 2013, and has been one of the few Australian StarMade servers available, and certainly the longest running Australian StarMade server. As numbers on the server have declined so much I find it no longer viable to pay the exhorbitant costs...
    2. mikesheen

      12 Months since Steam

      Well, it's been a week short of 12 months since StarMade was released on Steam. This is what my StarMade server visits per day was like over the last 12 months: Note the spike toward the middle/end of August when it was on sale on Steam. Seems to be player numbers are declining as of late...
    3. mikesheen

      servermonitor - realtime animated CPU and bandwidth graphing

      One of the tools I've built to monitor server health is CPU and bandwidth monitoring - servermonitor. It provides in real-time animated graphs of CPU usage by core and bandwidth on the NIC of a server. I use this on my StarMade server - it looks pretty and has some value when trying to...
    4. mikesheen

      StarMade Join Stats

      I've cobbled together some scripts which some server owners might find useful. It's web based graphing showing simple player join statistics over time - most interesting is probably the new players vs returning players aspect. Ever wanted to know how many people who joined your server in a...
    5. mikesheen

      Positive Review: Mikeland AUS Server

      For Australians this is a great server - low pings as it actually is in Australia (others may advertise being in Australia when they are not), and runs on great hardware. The staff are on top of exploiters and other players who seek to undermine the spirit of the game, and as such it is a great...
    6. mikesheen

      Serverlog.txt.* and log.txt.* retention

      Hi, Can anyone tell me how long these log files are kept and what happens to them when an update is done? I seem to be losing older logs, so I'm thinking the retention is limited. Ideally I'd like to control the retention period - I can collate good stats over time if they are retained longer...
    7. mikesheen

      Credits for votes

      Hi, I've made a simple php script I run once every 5 mins to reward players for voting on - I thought I'd share it with the community for those people also running servers wanting the same or similar functionality. Link is here, feel free to use this for your own servers...
    8. mikesheen ./settings.cfg (No such file or directory)

      Hi, I'm seeing this in my log from time to time (but not always) ./settings.cfg (No such file or directory) Obviously, I have checked if the file exists (it does) and the appropriate permissions (it's rw for the owner, which is the user running the process). I...
    9. mikesheen

      Bug with StarNet.jar and spaces in arguments

      Hi, I'd like to report an issue I've found with the StarNet.jar utility. It seems the command line arguments passed to this don't handle spaces in the arguments. I use StarNet.jar to automatically whitelist users and when they have spaces in the user name StarNet.jar always reports "RETURN...
    10. mikesheen

      Web query for server status

      Hi, I can see from that there is a way to query a server and report the online state and the number of current players. I want to add this same functionality to my website. I've done this with my Minecraft servers, using Python before - but I just need to be...