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    1. Z

      If nothing else; buff stabilizers.

      The fact that half by ship needs to contain these blocks to compensate for such a small reactor is just stupid. Or the fact that i need to build them 5 miles away to 100% effective. This just hinders player's ability to be creative. They need a buff.
    2. Z

      Stabilizers, or how about coolant tanks.

      Thermodynamics is a key issue in nearly every complex machine in the world. Stabilizers are kinda bad, and nearly everyone knows that. They're just so restrictive. So why not add in something a little different? why not add in coolant tanks /blocks? A Coolant block would still need to be...
    3. Z

      Can we get an audio update?

      The game kind of needs it. the audio is so dated now.:whistle:
    4. Z

      new armor hull type, Super condensed hull

      A type of armor you would place on large ships as a defensive measure against powerful weapons. However it would have a down side of excessive mass. 255 HP 225% armor Four times the mass of a normal block.
    5. Z

      Server editable speed limit for massive ships.

      What i'm trying to say is could we have a speed limit option that can be used on super massive ships? say if a ship reached a certain mass and exceeds the limit set for the server, that ship will not be able to reach 100% of the server speed. or atleast not without the use of the overdrive. Say...