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    1. Z

      Disintergrator still activating if covered up

      So I came up with an idea to reduce the number of accidents that happen when I load up/launch my nukes (suicide drones with disintergrators). I covered the disintergratos with plex doors thinking that a covered up disintergratod does not actovate. However it does even though it shouldnt and it's...
    2. Z

      Concept suggestion - Defense, Weapons and movement

      Lately I've been contemplating how to create a system for weapons and defenses that would be diverse and interesting and where every kind of weapon would be useful and interesting. Take your time, you wont read through this in one go. Defense First of all I'll start with defenses, since...
    3. Z

      Buff the dis-inergtarots?

      Recent I've been playing aroind with dis-inergrator blocks and I must say I am really dissapointed. I have created a guded missile the size of a small ship and when I tested it out on an asteroid I found out that a single block does less damage than a missile and that in order to do greater...