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    1. Z

      Disintergrator still activating if covered up

      So I came up with an idea to reduce the number of accidents that happen when I load up/launch my nukes (suicide drones with disintergrators). I covered the disintergratos with plex doors thinking that a covered up disintergratod does not actovate. However it does even though it shouldnt and it's...
    2. Z

      To come before the controvercy

      Sadface. I really liked the new textures.
    3. Z

      Ship Docking "area too small"

      Funny.. after the last fix my turret docking works fine. I needed to extend some modules since they were too small for the current system, but generally, if my turrets firts inside the square it works and I can dock.
    4. Z

      Ship Docking "area too small"

      Well that sucks. This still needs to be fixed, otherwise 90% of my previous ships are broken and need a full redesign to work again.
    5. Z

      Ship Docking "area too small"

      While the sizes of docking spaces are now back to normal (Thank you for that), I am still suffering from this bug. I can only dock my turrets into spaces that are roughly 5-10 times bigger then the actual turret size. Or is this intended?
    6. Z

      Ship Docking "area too small"

      I have also fund out that the new sizes of docking space are way too large. Me and a couple of friends made a pocket carrier 5 days ago that was completely functional, now more than 60% of it\'s turret and docking modules go offline and we would need to create approximately 50% bigger ship to...
    7. Z

      Concept suggestion - Defense, Weapons and movement

      Lately I've been contemplating how to create a system for weapons and defenses that would be diverse and interesting and where every kind of weapon would be useful and interesting. Take your time, you wont read through this in one go. Defense First of all I'll start with defenses, since...
    8. Z

      Buff the dis-inergtarots?

      Recent I've been playing aroind with dis-inergrator blocks and I must say I am really dissapointed. I have created a guded missile the size of a small ship and when I tested it out on an asteroid I found out that a single block does less damage than a missile and that in order to do greater...
    9. Z

      StarMade 0.09283: Fixes

      Finally I don\'t have to worry about my turrets destroying my ship. YES! Seeing that shields got buffed... Are there plans to buff hull too? Because the way I see it: For smaller ships space is always a concern and thus it often happens I forgo hull in favor of other items like power, weapons...
    10. Z

      StarMade: 0.092821: The power crisis continues

      I just recieved orgasm lookign at those patch notes. Thank you!
    11. Z

      StarMade 0.09282: New recharge calculation & fixes

      While I agree with the new power system, I find it a bit too punishing (Yes I prepared my ships for the transition). Cloaking and Jaming were really hard to pull off before, but now they are impossible. Ships can hardly regenerate power while they are moving and it feels like power storage is...
    12. Z

      StarMade 0.0928 New texture pack alpha & separation of power

      Can we get the block ID for tth power tank? I cant find it anywhere.