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    1. swsoe

      Can't Uplink

      For one reason or another I can't uplink on the internet connection I'm using, it works fine if I'm playing elsewhere but on the connection provided by the university I get the error "SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed". Is there any way to work around this? The...
    2. swsoe

      Weapons mounted in different directions

      I've found that amc's, salvage beams, and astro technobeams won't fire properly when mounted in a direction other than forward. For example, I have a number of salvage beams pointed down and salvage computer mounted in the same facing direction. If I try to fire the beams, only one actually...
    3. swsoe

      Salvage Beams Won't Activate

      Salvage beams setup right of the ship core (as you're looking at the front from the back) won't fire. I've set up two banks of salvage beams in a checkered pattern, one left of the core and one to the right. The left sides fires perfectly while the only one on the left fires. I tried...