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    1. caingen

      On the topic of Orbits

      It seems everyone has seen the problems of orbiting sectors in one form or another. Be it grabby sectors, difficult to navigate areas, or lost homes and ships, having the sectors move around is a problem. Now, I know I have heard that schema is supposedly working on it by unfixing planets from...
    2. caingen

      Sectors Kidnapped me

      HELP HELP I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM! Seems the sectors are a little touchy, grabby. 4 different sectors just swept me away in the time span of 4 seconds and subsequently lagged me out. Then they each took one of my turrets that were floating in space with me! Kidnappers and Thiefs! So this...
    3. caingen

      StarMade: A Community Director’s Perspective

      This game has a surprising amount of potential, already showing it has the ability to become the next Minecraft, the game that many will claim it takes inspiration from. Already it is bringing in numerous new users to our community, each very curious about the game and needing a patient hand to...
    4. caingen

      Chat Channel Admins

      Why? Because it needs a little moderation. And an ignore button. I know, its not a part of the game. But, it really needs done.
    5. caingen

      Turret Docking: won't stay docked

      I keep finding that my turrets have decided to wander off on their own. Recently had one undock while I was moving the ship and started spinning like Vader's Tie Interceptor. I have 6 turrets in a tight area, is it possible they are being pulled off or are they just losing their state?
    6. caingen

      Did someone say Hotdrop?

      From the server that brought you the Outlaw Star, A Nightsong Entertainment production