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    1. J

      scanners and asteroids

      Do scanners detect asteroids at a distance? If so, do they tell you what type? Thanks in advance!
    2. J

      Read by Schine Rails STOP block

      I would like to see a rail block that would cause the entity docked and moving on the rail to stop. When not activated, the direction arrows would be green and allow the entity to continue on its path. When activated, the arrows would turn red and cause the moving entity to stop on that block...
    3. J

      Read by Council Storage Modules NO RIGHT CLICK!

      Please, Please, make it so if a storage module has items in it, you cannot right click it. Have it give a message that says, CONTAINER MUST BE EMPTY TO PICK UP. Thanks!!
    4. J

      Corvette Class Ship of the Eyeball Faction

      This is a Corvette class ship of the Eyeball Faction. COST: 6,212,625 THRUST/MASS: 3371,5-2858,1=3371.5 POWER: 1132500 RECHARGE: 838210 [/IMG] This ship has 3 spinal mounts, 1 large antimatter cannon and 2 smaller BB missile arrays. The Main Battery consists of 3 turret mounted...