Search results

    1. Panpiper

      Diminishing Shield Power on a Graph?

      Has anyone graphed the diminishing returns in shield strength we get for quantity of shield modules in a ship? I can handle arithmetic and much algebra in my head, but when we get into negative exponents, I need something visual to properly understand. Does anyone have a link to such or perhaps...
    2. Panpiper

      Gravity Slingshot for rapid astronaut movement?

      I want to nestle my CNC/Bridge deep within the bowels of my ship where among other things I will have my ship core. However I also want to be able to quickly enter my ship's core from outside the ship and exit my ship from the core. Manually walking/floating that distance every time will rapidly...
    3. Panpiper

      Shield regeneration versus armor hitpoints

      Given that in combat, shield regeneration (apparently) is nerfed to 10% of what most people think they will be getting, it is almost worthless to have shield regenerators on a ship except for bringing shields back to full, 'outside' of combat. (The exception would be if you expect to spend many...
    4. Panpiper

      The game I want to play

      There are three things I most enjoy in a game; exploration, collecting, and building. Exploration helps me collect things. The things I collect are used in building. The things I build facilitate exploration. Combat is actually just a necessary evil for me, an obstacle to be surmounted by...
    5. Panpiper

      Best logic to activate a jump inhibitor in a pirate?

      I'm building a set of pirates for my server, and also to enter into the ZimmTech: Pirate Fleet Competition. I have included a jump inhibitor in the designs, figuring that would make major sense for pirates. Currently I am using a simple clock made with two delay blocks and a button to activate...
    6. Panpiper

      Read by Schine Salvage beams harvest loot clouds?

      Getting loot is great, loot clouds can be fun given that they are loot, but there are a couple of major problems right now with loot clouds; they disappear way too fast and they fill your personal inventory with useless junk which you have to manually clean out. This latter can be especially...
    7. Panpiper

      Ship Classification

      I've been obsessive about science fiction, space ship construction systems, since the days of first edition Traveler's High Guard (a good thirty five years ago). I've also extensively read up on military history and the strategy of war for most of the last forty years as well as playing...
    8. Panpiper

      WAD or Bug? Turret with extra rail turret axis' being reset to 'ship'.

      I've created an AMS turret which features a central barrel 'master' cannon and eight rail turret axis docked 'slave' 'turrets' which have their own guns, for a total of nine barrels on a single base. I've included the sment file. When I test this system it is devastatingly effective at shooting...
    9. Panpiper

      Recognized Jet pack

      One of the most frustrating elements of the game for me is the ultra slow speed of one's dave when not in build mode. I find myself frequently having to move around my ship in astronaut mode so as to access turrets, etc.. Summoning in a ship's core each and every time I need to move this way is...
    10. Panpiper

      Are defensive punch and pierce too expensive?

      I love the new HP system which eliminates coring and gives one time for a good fight. I love the variable mass of blocks which makes decorating a ship and giving it RP space less of a sacrifice. I love the fact that armor has an effect, but I fear the effect is too little for ships that want to...
    11. Panpiper

      Turret AI for pirates off by default?

      Pirates spawn with their AI off for any turrets they may have. This 'seriously' hampers their potential in games and greatly limits the choices of server admins who want to increase the challenge of their servers. Is this a bug? Are the developers aware of this? Or if there is a reason for...
    12. Panpiper

      Spawned ships not loading anti-missile turret AI set to on?

      I have just discovered that while I save a ship with it's PD turrets AI set to on, when I spawn in the same ship, the PD turret's AI is off. Is this a bug or a feature (for some bizarre reason)? Is this situation known, is it intended to be fixed? It is quite vexing as I just made my first ever...
    13. Panpiper

      Griefing with a torch?

      aceface in another thread mentioned the idea that one could board another person's ship and use the 'torch' to "break the core and get in it". This strikes me as an appalling thing, that this should be a mechanic. Is this not a rather simple mechanism to obviate faction modules and make ship...
    14. Panpiper

      Can we edit the 'icon' of a post in Community Content?

      I made my first ever post to community content yesterday and earned a badge! ;) Sadly, in my zeal to post, I had perhaps not spent enough time on making the ship 'prettier'. The original post was fully functional, wedged, etc., but had little by...
    15. Panpiper

      Help with calculating jump system

      I am having a hard time grasping the concept of jump systems and how much I need on my ship in order to get good results. I do know that having 5% of the blocks of your ship in jump modules results in a very fast to charge jump system that takes you a long way, in a small ship. The key word...
    16. Panpiper

      Building the most effective point defense

      Point Defense, or 'anti-missile turrets' is a fairly simple affair on it's face. Two cannon blocks, married one each to two, linked cannon computers, mounted with a bobby AI and a rail docker. Build a base with it's own rail docker on the bottom and an appropriately oriented rail turret axis a...
    17. Panpiper

      What are the limits to 'Build Helper'?

      I find it quite easy to crash build helper by for instance, asking it to fill in a large enough 'restricted build zone'. (I'm trying to build a series of concentric spheres, but defining such a sphere as restricted and then using a large enough selection box to fill even an eighth of the sphere...
    18. Panpiper

      Turret Tribulations

      Where did I go wrong? This turret 'should' work, but in practice it is virtually useless. I wanted to build a 'large' turret, meant to serve as a primary offensive weapon on a 50K-100K mass ship (two, maybe four depending). I decided to go for a ball turret with a ball 41 blocks in diameter...
    19. Panpiper

      Any way yet to activate passive defense effect on docked entities?

      I was greatly disappointed a while back when I included passive defensive effects in a series of large turrets I built, and then afterwards was informed that the AI would not activate them. Is there any way to do so now, perhaps using a Wireless Logic Module to force their activation manually?
    20. Panpiper

      Regenerating armor

      It occurs to me that there is probably some way of using Astrotech Module repair beams to regenerate armor blocks 'while' they are taking fire. At the moment, as far as I know, there is no way to get a turret to autofire an Astrotech Module's repair beam at a damaged block. (Wouldn't 'that' be...